The Up! pant has been all over the Today Show, and now it’s all over Hilton Head and beyond. I consider this the pant of the year, maybe even yearssss. I’ve had such a hard time keeping up with y’all because you’re buying them in trios…so, I ordered 300 pairs! It’s quite amazing actually…so amazing that I think I’m going to put in another call to Up! to tell them they must re-brand to Hot Pants!
I believe in this pant, but I have to say that I was initially skeptical about the prints this season. They are bold and they are busy. Not a vibe that Birdie James typically carries. Our collections are often more subdued, monochromatic, effortless looking – a statement all in its own. It’s been pretty neat to see how this collection of prints has charmed us all. No matter your age, size, style…you love it. If it’s not your usual style, try it. I see the skeptics charmed by her on a daily basis. Trust your intuition ladies. It hasn’t steered you wrong before, and it certainly won’t when things are looking Up!