On Hilton Head Island, Halloween feels strangely similar to a spring holiday. The sun’s out and temps are warm, (even steamy around mid-afternoon), which can make for a tricky transition into fall. We want it, but we don’t. The comfy fabrics and oxbloods and rich green mossy colors are getting us into the spirit of fall, but we’ve got to find balance if cold weather is still weeks away…here are 3 style tips to get us there!
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it countless times – if all else fails, go monochromatic. It’s the easiest and quickest way to attain a chic look, and in the spirit of Island life, don’t be afraid to take white into fall! Our favorite pairing is a pant, top, shoe, scarf, and light jacket, in a mixture of creamy, winter whites. They don’t have to be exact to work together, light beige colors can work, too!
Turtlenecks are a major style trend this season! Birdie James has a variety of styles because just like everything else, not every shape can handle the same turtleneck style. If you have a shorter neck, we’ve got a shorter-necked version. Our favorites are by Three Dots because the winter white and heather grey hues are great transitional colors, and they’re soooo soft!
Grey is an amazing color to mix in with your winter white pant. The latest color “greige” (you might have heard of it, it’s huge in homes now, too!) is a combination of a creamy beige color and grey. It’s the ultimate chic. If you’re more of a traditional gal and can’t do the mono-white look from head-to-toe, try pairing grey’s with winter white’s. These colors play so well together, you’ll find yourself wearing it on repeat!